Chocolate - grown, processed, packaged, and marketed - with an eye to both social and environmental responsibility, while maintaining the unique character of a high-quality, small-batch chocolate bar, is a hard thing to come by. This was one of the motivations for the Chocolate with a Soul interview series I did a few years back. Well, I'm pulling out one of those posts - an interview with Mott Green of Grenada Chocolate Company - in honor of his life (and sadly, recent and untimely death).

First off, we are all curious about how Grenada Chocolate came to be.
the 12 years before starting the chocolate company, I lived in a little
bamboo house that I built in the mountains here in Grenada and
experimented with growing my own food and living alone in the woods with
very little money. There were cocoa trees all around, and I fell in
love with both the cocoa and Grenada.
founded The Grenada Chocolate Company with two friends after dreaming
about the idea for many years. In 1999, one friend from the U.S., Doug
Browne, offered a start-up loan and became a partner, together with
myself and my oldest friend in Grenada, Edmond Brown. We researched and
learned to make chocolate on a shoe-string, and built most of our own
machines at the beginning. Over the years, we have found antique
machines to refurbish and bought some new machines.
Wow, what a story. So why choose a bean-to-bar operation?
my idea was what I now call "Tree to Bar." It is a way of ensuring
fairness with cocoa farmers, in which actual laborers are in a
cooperative with chocolate-makers. Everyone benefits equally, creating
much more value for the cocoa beans by making fine chocolate in the
region in which it is grown. So, of course, this meant bean to bar as
What factors do you consider in the choice of your current source of cacao?
take any cocoa farm into our cooperative as long as they are truly
committed to only using organic methods on their farm. All of the cocoa
grown in Grenada is fantastic quality cocoa, very fine flavour.
What is the most rewarding aspect of working so closely with a community?
love the people here in Grenada, so it is rewarding for me to be well
loved and prominent in the local community. It feels right, as well, to
work with farmers and people from the village where I live to make
chocolate; it is like a family business!
What are the biggest challenges of running a responsible chocolate company?
for me, the idea was to ensure social responsibility and fairness by
manufacturing the chocolate bars right here at the cocoa farms. That is
the only way to really guarantee true fairness. This, however, is a big
challenge because it is difficult to produce chocolate in hot and humid
climates. Being an isolated little island, it is also very expensive to
import machines, parts, packaging material and the cost of energy is
very high here. We are half solar-powered, which feels right, and also
was a costly initial investment.
Where do you see the company headed? Any exciting upcoming developments?
Organic cocoa farms, more chocolate, more sales internationally. New
types of chocolate bars. Soon, we will have a 100% cocoa bar. And, later
maybe a sea salt bar.
Describe your favourite chocolate bar.
I like our 82% and our Nib-a-Licious the best, depending on my mood
That 82% is pretty darn good, and I like the sound of the 100% cocoa bar! Grenada Chocolate can be found online or at certain specialty chocolate shops (like Biagio in DC). Thanks to Mott for chatting with me!
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